
Announcing Arise Physical Therapy

By Kelly Bardosy, Physical Therapist

     This past year was a real doozy, wasn’t it? Seemingly out of nowhere, our social engagements, activities, outings and “normal” day-to-day life came to a halt. And along with that came a steep decline in physical activity.  Unfortunately, the old saying ‘If you don’t use it, you lose it’ seems to be painfully true.

     Well, what can we do to make this year ahead better? Get moving! I encourage you to participate in a new activity, make a new friend here at St. Monica’s, and make plans to get outside this spring and summer.  My hope for each of you is to be as independent, safe and happy as possible.

     The therapy gym near the south entrance has been transformed into a new Physical Therapy clinic called Arise Physical Therapy. We are thrilled to be able to offer in-house rehabilitation to help you regain your strength, improve your balance or get back to walking. Please contact me if you are interested in physical therapy at 262-321-7164.

     In addition, watch the activity calendar and join me for group exercise class, I promise you won’t be disappointed. Let’s get moving!