Person Centered Care in Practice

We were outside planting flowers the other day at St. Monica’s – it was a perfect spring day, not to hot and the sun felt great on everyone. I looked around and noticed how peaceful and happy those around me seemed. Over in the field I saw Kay pitching golf balls, he is 92 years young. Our therapy dog was lying down, waiting for Kay to take a break and rest with him. Around the corner, Frank was planting a few perennials while Rojean was busy directing maintenance men where she wanted shrubbery planted. Ruth and Elaine were reminiscing quietly with each other while keeping an eye on Frank. They both had great gardens in their day. Pretty soon Anne, Emma and Pietta migrated outdoors to soak up some sunshine. Helen brought Shari, who just moved in, outside to visit and see our beautiful back acreage. Marty wandered out with Don and suddenly we had a great group interacting with each other. We handed out hats and lemonade, as we didn’t want our nursing staff scolding us. Someone brought a Frisbee for Fritz, the dog, to chase. We asked if anyone would like some music turned on. The answer was a unanimous, “no.” They were enjoying our grounds and perhaps thinking of earlier days when life wasn’t so complicated and things moved slower.

Person centered care at St. Monica’s is about engaging our community members in things they are passionate about. So if our garden beds aren’t quite symmetrical, or our cakes are a little lopsided and our sitting areas are a bit mussed, it means you’ll find us engaged in life. Stop by for a visit and witness life here for yourself.